"What makes for a good day?" When you get to the end of your day, what allows you to be able to say: "Today was a good day"? Is it that the day went smoothly? Is it that you had everything go the way you wanted? Is it that the day was problem free?
When I look back at the best of the "good days" that I have had throughout my
life, the one thing they all have in common is that they were spent, at least in part, with people who were uplifting. Whether I was with a group of people, or one or two others, or even reflection time alone with God, the "good" part of the day was the part that was invested in the relationships.

"The reality is that we live in a world where we deal with problems, and conflict, and struggles, and frustrations, and heartache."
Many people (ok, ALL people) at one time or another ask the question, If God is so good, why does he allow suffering? This past weekend, I saw a clip from the movie "Shadowlands", where C.S. Lewis is giving a lecture. In this particular clip, he says, "I don't think God wants us to be happy. I think that God wants us to love, and to be loved."
The most perfect way we can love and be loved is to be in relationship with God. Even in the midst of all the problems, struggles, conflict, etc. etc. we can still have a GOOD day, simply by allowing ourselves to be truly loved by Love Himself.
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