Chiquita Mia. My Little Girl.
Not a name you might expect for a discarded, half-starved, homely mutt, living under a rusted-out car. And not a dog that most would be willing to adopt as a pet. Yet Laurie Sacher, a staff member at the Crystal Peaks Youth Ranch in central Oregon did just that.
In the book "Blind Hope: An Unwanted Dog and the Woman She Rescued" author Kim Meeder recalls conversations with Sacher about her deep affection for her "Sweet Mia." Yes, Mia was truly what most would consider to be unwanted. When Sacher took the dog as her own, her first thought was, "She's a wretched creature ... just like me." As the bond between canine and master grew deeper - a master she could not see due to blindness - Sacher tells of her many insights she gained about her own relationship with God - her own Master she could not see.
What I liked about this book: The book was easy to read, and had several stand-alone chapters that the reader can randomly read and be blessed with the lessons shared by Sacher and Meeder.
What I didn't like as much: Kim Meeder's telling of the love story of Laurie Sacher and Chiquita Mia was indeed heartwarming. However, I could not help thinking some of the emotion might have been watered down from Sacher's story being told by someone other than herself.
Would I recommend this book? Yes! "Blind Hope" is an inspirational story for all, dog lover or not, no matter where you are on your spiritual journey. Click here to view the video to learn more about the story. To read more, Click here to read Chapter 1 of a book that is sure to give you understanding of God's unconditional love for you and me.
This book was provided for review by the WaterBrook Multnomah Publishing Group.
1 comment:
Such a giving and lovingly kindhearted person you are Laurie Sacher whose life blesses all who are fortunate enough to know you; God love you. When I was a little girl I read a book called “Lad a Dog” whose story, not unlike Blind Hope, helped me also. Its story is even mentioned in a novel I’ve written entitled, Mommy’s Writings: Mommy, would you like a sandwich? It’s a story about a family, of forgiveness, and of God’s tender mercy, which prayerfully has readers see life in a different perspective. It will be in the Marketplace by year-end 2010. We are God’s creation and we are each given a purpose to fulfill in life, whether or not its purpose is recognized. Blind Hope’s heartwarming story will touch everyone’s life who reads it. Thank you Author Kim Meeder for having written it; and Laurie Sacher who reached out to the homeless woman and the beloved pet Sweet Mia.
Suzanne McMillen-Fallon, Published Author, would you like a sandwich?
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